There always seems to be a never – ending debate on what is the acceptable pattern of dressing to Church activities. This is probably as a result of the existence of countless Christian denominations in every part of the world today. While some Churches may stick with a rather conservative dress code, some may choose to give members the freedom to wear whatever they like.
In the right sense, Church activities just like every other well organised social activity, should have a clearly stipulated dress code or guidelines. For instance, Junior schools often have uniforms, and even some Tertiary institutions may not allow some dresses if they are deemed to be indecent.
Work places and corporate offices also have a specific dress pattern. This helps us easily identify business men and women without needing to ask them their profession.
Here is what a pretty lady wore to Church this past Sunday.
The lady posted these pictures on her Twitter handle and has gotten several reactions from other users. As you would guess, so many of those replies have all been criticisms. The users questioned if she really went to Church or was coming from a club.
This is so often the case when you wear the wrong dress to a place. If you dressed this way to a club or an adult only non – religious event, you would probably get lots of positive response and attention. However, wearing this kind of dress to a Christian gathering is asking for trouble.
Although no one would send you out of the Church, be sure that you would be seen as either a novice or a seductress. So, it is best to be conscious of what you wear and where you wear them to. Remember that what may be an acceptable mode of dressing to you may be offensive to the next person. Dress modest and decent. Dress to look good, not to kill!
See photos below: