See Why Man beat up a female police officer After She Stops Him (Video)

 Lagos as we all know is always busy, particularly working days of the week.

A lot happens during these days, as some vehicle driver getting in to fight or quarrel with another, some commercial getting into all kinds arguments with road conductors (Agbero), no one dares to fight anyone in uniform, as we all know it is a serious and punishable offense. 

School Should Resume o, See What girl posted on facebook causing problems

All the fighting, quarreling, and beating of anyone in uniform would not happen if only we can manage our anger and learn how to settle things diplomatically.

It was a normal traffic day, and there was a female police officer carrying out her duty as usual. But this yesterday 12, August 2020 happened to be a bad day for the female police officer, as she was beaten up by a man who was referred to in the video as a soldier. Though people around were trying to stop him from beating the police officer, but all efforts did not work out. 

School Should Resume o, See What girl posted on facebook causing problems

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